
Your Northwest Indiana Photo Booth photos come with a custom background. This background can be tailored to your event, whether it is the colors, theme, monogram, hobbies, sports teams, etc.

Photos Northwest Indiana Wedding Photo Booth

Photos Northwest Indiana Wedding Photo Booth

Your photo strip sizes can be a 2×6 or 4×6. Feel free to use less photos on your strip to place more text and artwork on your strip. Your photos can be placed vertical or horizontal and can be in almost any shape or size.

The drapery backdrop to each picture can also be a different color. The main colors are black and silver, but we do have other options to match your photo strip and guests attire.

Unlimited photo strip prints ensure all your guests get a copy of their photo to take home and share in your memory book.

View your photos online at the following sites: 

Facebook or

Smugmug (you may need a password to get into your gallery on smugmug).
